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We all want to see trapping continue on into the indefinite future.

You can help that vision be a reality by investing a little time and effort into making WSTA a bigger, better, and stronger organization. It will pay dividends in the long run.


Become a member 

By banding together and adding your name to our membership roster, you've helped make WSTA stronger. Those membership numbers mean something when we testify to the Board of Game or contact a legislator for help.


Recruit more members

Another great way to help build strength is to recruit new members. If each of us could recruit one new member annually, we would become a force to be reckoned with. Both supporters and opponents would notice the tremendous growth in WSTA.



For the association, there are always tasks (both big and small) that need to be done, and groups meet regularly. We'll do our best to find a project that meets your talents and available time. We are stronger by association, and you'll be helping to build us stronger.


Write an article

One of the most valuable contributions they can make is to write an article for our online updates. We are the glue that binds our organization together. By composing thoughts and sharing experiences and insight, we all see and learn things on the 'line that would interest fellow trappers. Take a few minutes to put words together and send them to us.


Be an ethical trapper 

Conduct your trapping activities in compliance with the highest ethical standards. Every year, we must deal with incidents where traps are set in inappropriate places. Those incidents give every trapper a black eye in the view of the general public and eat up a tremendous amount of our time and energy. Be sure that you aren't one of the trappers causing these problems.


By giving to the WSTA, you are supporting our efforts across the state to pursue ethical and safe trapping. 

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